"People really like it when you send them something nice..."
Help Me with my Narrative...pleeease!
Thanks for your time :)
Silence Photographs
I felt alot happier after this tutorial, and after being given some direction I felt really motivated to get on with the project. So I sat down and did some more cuttings and played with the shadows they created. I had yet to find any narrative so I used the quote that Sue had given which was 'I need to buy a sleeping bag,' this is what she remembers thinking whilst riding home after watching footage of the twin towers. So here are a few further experiments...
"Always Make Tea"

*Be confident
*Be genuine
*Go out on a limb - but don't be too wacky
*Get your work out there
*Don't put all of your eggs in one basket- Keep an open mind
*Don't blend in
*Be aware - watch TV, read the newspaper
*Be yourself and not someone else
*Keep in touch
*Always make tea
Running out of time...ALREADY eeek!
Special Collections at MMU
Her work really inspired me, especially in relation to our current 'silence' brief. Mette, it seems makes considerations for each of the pages before she starts instead of just creating a page at a time, everything corresponds! This is something I also have to do for part 2 of our brief as I want to create a document. I then went onto look at other artists books, particularly the way they were folded and how they were presented rather than the actual themes. I completely forgot to write the names of all of the artist books and the designs...but theses are the ones I liked!
I also found the concertina books useful to look at, I really need to practice my folding skills so they are perfect for my own books, as I would really like to explore book design especially as a form of communication. Here are a few concertinas from the library.
Finally...if this hasn't bored you enough, I got the chance to see this brilliant paper sculpture, I love the dimensions of the piece and just the general themes of the birds flying out of a book. Quite a haunting piece, seeing a real paper sculpture has furthered my interest into the use of paper which will help me express my views within my dissertation.
A good website!
Then I tried to get experimental with the shadows...
Tutorial II
I told Hitch how I wanted to use paper as I love it so much, I also want the colour scheme to be mostly white maybe with a few shades of grey. He talked simplifying my thumbnail sketches and rather than keeping myself in my sketchbook, to go and create some actual pieces which would then allow me to see how I could fit them in to making a book/ fold out poster. I found a quote 'Maybe they're just birds honey...' which was a mother talking to a child regarding the terrorist attacks in New York on 9/11. I thought this was a beautiful piece of language and made me start thinking about feathers, however maybe its too specific to the tragedy so Hitch talked about finding some more general quotes which I could combine with my imagery.
So afterwards I wandered to the good old paper store and bought all the shades of white paper they had and some grey, blue and birch(which Kirsty made me buy!!) Then I began to cut and play...I need to take pictures of the work and when I get round to doing so, I will upload them on here.
Things to do:
- Find more quotes/narrative to use
- Practice Cutting
- Visit the new laser cut machine
- Create some actual experimental pieces- but not in my sketch book!
Paper- Tear, Fold, Rip, Crease, Cut

Indie Publishing- How to Design and Create Your Own Book
Tutorial with Sue
"It's just hippy nonsense..."

work for sony:

Regarding the summer brief, we discussed the possible route in which we could take it further. Everyone's work was completely different and could be developed through many possible route, starting by selecting various film that we are more familiar with and would be suitable for the kino film club then designing posters for those would remain consistent with the ones initially designed for the brief. Hitch suggested that rather than the image, I should perhaps take the idea of the elongated text and incorporate in with the logo and it was felt it did not totally correspond with the themes within the rest of the poster design. Hitch also suggested adding stills taken from the films or illustrative features along the lines of the elongated typography.
My initial thoughts on this brief led me to think about actual silence and what it is. I began to think about 'silent' materials like cotton wool. sponge and feathers. Feathers were my main subject and I began to gather images, found feathers fall silently from often an unknown source which I feel represents their silent nature. I came across this black and white image of a feather which is covered in clear dew drops. The delicate nature of the image has an almost soothing and peaceful effect on the audience similar to what silence creates.

This idea of feathers however is far too literal and I decided it was a different route I needed to take, so began to look at what actually creates silence even when we are surrounded by other amounts of noise. I was led to think about events such as September 11th and Hurricane Katrina, both of which were completely different however no matter how much noise each of the disasters created, the complete destruction and devastation occurring at time results in a reaction of silence from the shock and confusion of what is going on. After looking at my images, Hitch gave me a few pointers to think about and suggested that I may want to consider using text instead of images and combining the ideas of the calming effect of the feathers against the destruction.
- Refine idea
- Silhouettes? Silent figures
- Text could be used? People who were part of the disasters, their personal accounts
- Combination of image of feathers and text
- Be experimental, use photogarphy?