

So it's been a while since I talked about any of my work, so thought it was about time that I talked about my current project which is the live YCN brief for 'Fedrigoni.' Took me a while to develop an idea, but after having a tutorial with Lucy May Schofield I have finally established a final idea which I am currently developing.

In the early stages of the project I made an informed decision that I wanted to make something which could be sent to people in the post. It HAD to be something lovely because 'everybody just loves to receive something nice in the post.' Initially thoughts included folded, paper calendars or a lovely, hand-made, tactile invitation which people would interact with and enjoy...

The above page from my sketchbook shows a collection of pieces of hand-made stationary (something which I have become fascinated with) After looking at these and other samples, I began to think about what made stationary unique and how one envelope would stand out from the others if it landed on your desk. Nice paper, unusual format, hand written text, colour often make an envelope stand out from the standard size you usually see. I began to play around with the format of an envelope and decided to elongate it...the shape then reminded me of a bookmark- which would be something which could be sent out to members of the design community.

The main concept behind my final idea was to emphasise the versatility of paper, I wanted potential customers to be aware of the endless possibilities, rather than just straight forward print- paper can also be used for cut, fold, sticth etc! Fedrigoni has a very corporate identity and this is something I wanted to 'soften' up.

Below are my mock up's of the final idea:

I tested out the encorporation of the identity by cutting the 'F' from fedrigoni out of the envelope, which then allows a glimpse of the content to the receiver evoking a sense of mystery. Now I have come up with my final idea's, I am in the process of trying out fonts, drawing up the final design and then sending it to lasercut.

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